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3 Courses for Success!

AU - Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing (CPAT)

AU - Certified Specialist in Agile Testing (CSAT)

AU - Capturing Agile Requirements by Example (CARE)

AU - Certified Automation Practitioner in Agile Testing (CAPT)

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Prepararse para ser un  Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing


Examen de certificación

Obtener una certificación

de Agile United



Volverse proveedores oficiales del curso AU con nuestro apoyo.

Agile United-Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing  (AU-CPAT) 

Agile United - Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing (AU-CPAT) ha sido concebido para integrantes de equipos Ágiles,

y testers en particular, que buscan mejorar sus conocimientos, habilidades interpersonales, habilidades Ágiles, habilidades de prueba y habilidades tecnológicas mediante la realización de este curso de formación práctico e interactivo. Esta formación le ayudará a nivel personal y a su equipo a desarrollar un mejor software al aprender sobre las pruebas y la calidad. Cubriremos objetivos de aprendizaje que pueden sorprenderles, como enseñarles de forma interactiva sobre los modelos mentales y el pensamiento crítico. También les ayudaremos a realizar un análisis de riesgos muy efectivo con herramientas modernas, y pondremos en práctica pruebas exploratorias con software y hardware reales que se ejecutan a lo largo de la formación.

Día uno

Para iniciar el curso, exploraremos brevemente lo que es ser Ágil y lo que significa una forma Ágil de trabajar. También nos sumergiremos en los desafíos que enfrentan los equipos y que conducen a problemas relacionados con la calidad. Comprenderemos la importancia de los modelos mentales, las habilidades de pensamiento crítico y los cuestionamientos beneficiosos.

En la segunda mitad del primer día, presentaremos un producto con el que trabajaremos durante toda la formación. Aprenderemos sobre el producto mediante el juego, la exploración y la elaboración de varios modelos que nos ayudarán a pensar en los riesgos y la mejor estrategia para probar el producto.

Al final del primer día serán capaces de:

  • Describir los conceptos de "Agile" y cómo afectan al desarrollo de software

  • Explicar cómo las pruebas y la calidad encajan en una forma Ágil de trabajar (usando Scrum)

  • Explicar lo que significa Ágil para las habilidades de un tester

  • Hablar de las pruebas en un contexto ágil

  • Describir los tipos de modelos

  • Explicar cómo los modelos se benefician y promulgan el pensar y hablar sobre el testing y la calidad

  • Crear diferentes tipos de modelos usando el modelo de estrategia de prueba heurística

  • Crear modelos con mapas mentales

  • Describir qué son los riesgos

  • Aplicar diferentes técnicas para descubrir riesgos como tramas de terror, el juego de los titulares y la tormenta de riesgos.

  • Hacer hipótesis y construcción de diferentes tipos de riesgos que podrían afectar a un producto o proyecto

  • Construir actividades de prueba a partir de los riesgos

  • Explicar lo que es una estrategia de prueba

  • Hablar de las partes de una estrategia de prueba

  • Construir y expandir rápidamente una estrategia de prueba

  • Plantear preguntas eficaces para aprender sobre el producto, el contexto e

  • Identificar las situaciones en las que la ambigüedad nos retrasa.

Día dos

Al principio del segundo día, haremos pruebas reales sobre el producto, basadas en el análisis de riesgos y la estrategia de pruebas realizada el día uno. Mientras se realizan las pruebas, ampliaremos aún más nuestra estrategia y nuestros modelos de riesgo. Aprenderemos a construir y ampliar las actividades de prueba y a documentar las pruebas lo más eficientemente posible mientras sigan siendo útiles.


En la segunda parte del día, pasaremos al tema de la colaboración y la comunicación dentro de un equipo ágil. Exploraremos el refinamiento y la planificación del sprint para aprender cómo un tester puede añadir el máximo valor en una variedad de situaciones.


Al final del segundo, serán capaces de:

  • Explicar qué son las pruebas basadas en sesiones

  • Crear cartas para las sesiones para aprender sobre el producto y probarlo

  • Documentar lo que se aprende utilizando una variedad de enfoques

  • Explicar por qué es importante tomar notas

  • Tomar notas eficientes y concisas

  • Explicar los fundamentos del pensamiento crítico

  • Explicar por qué el pensamiento crítico es importante en el desarrollo de software

  • Identificar las afirmaciones, conclusiones y razonamientos en su propio pensamiento

  • Identificar los defectos cognitivos, las falsas razones y las falacias lógicas

  • Describir las diferentes actividades de desarrollo de software y profundizar en la comunicación y la colaboración desde la perspectiva de la calidad y de las pruebas

  • Discutir algunos de los retos que rodean a la comunicación y cómo superarlos

  • Explicar el papel de las pruebas y la calidad en las ceremonias de Scrum

  • Revisar las historias de los usuarios

  • Identificar los desafíos en equipo utilizando las historias de usuario

  • Explicar los beneficios de dividir las historias de usuario en partes más pequeñas desde una perspectiva de calidad.

Día tres

En la primera parte del tercer día, haremos más pruebas del producto en sesiones. Aprenderemos a explicar el estado del producto, lo que hemos hecho y los riesgos restantes usando la historia de las pruebas.


En la segunda parte, profundizaremos en los temas de colaboración y comunicación en un equipo Ágil, utilizando retrospectivas y revisiones de Sprint.


Por último, discutiremos cómo las herramientas pueden ayudar a acelerar el trabajo de los equipos.

Al final del tercer día, serán capaces de:

  • Explicar cómo reportar sus pruebas, utilizando una variedad de enfoques dentro y fuera de las ceremonias de scrum

  • Ofrecer a las partes interesadas información sobre las pruebas y la calidad del producto

  • Utilizar los fundamentos de la narración de historias (storytelling) en su trabajo diario

  • Explica qué es la retroalimentación (feedback)

  • Proporcionar retroalimentación de manera efectiva, utilizando diferentes enfoques

  • Explicar el propósito y los beneficios de una retrospectiva

  • Facilitar las retrospectivas básicas para ayudar a acelerar el rendimiento del equipo, eliminando los residuos y reflexionar sobre la forma de trabajar

  • Explicar cómo las herramientas pueden acelerar el rendimiento de los equipos

  • Guiar a su equipo para hablar sobre la testabilidad y el uso adecuado de la automatización y las herramientas

  • Hablar con las partes interesadas sobre los beneficios y las trampas del uso de la automatización

  • Explicar qué es el coaching de calidad y cómo los equipos se benefician de él.

  • Explicar cómo los testers Ágiles profesionales añaden valor de varias maneras, dependiendo del contexto en el que se encuentre


No es necesario cumplir con ningún requisito previo para realizar el curso AU-CPAT, sin embargo, obtendrá mucho más del curso si ya ha obtenido la certificación "Foundation Level" del ISTQB (CTFL) y la certificación "Agile Tester" del ISTQB CTFL-AT, ya que este curso no cubrirá los fundamentos y la terminología de Testing y Agile.

Otras recomendaciones son obtener otra certificación Agile o Scrum como PSM o CSM o ASF, o por lo menos haber leído la guía Scrum. Consultar el temario del curso para más ideas y recomendaciones de literatura. 

Agile United - Certified Specialist in Agile Testing  (AU-CSAT) 

The Certified Specialist in Agile Testing (AU-CSAT) training has been developed for agile team members, and specifically testers, who want to deepen their knowledge even further in the field of personal skills, team skills and testing skills. This practical and interactive training helps you and your team to deliver faster and better quality software by teaching you the more complex tricks of the trade of testing and quality improvement. As a logical follow-up to the AU-CPAT training, we now discuss topics such as leadership, negotiation, biases, visual improvement, probability, but also bug hunting and we go deeper into the power of exploratory testing and the complexity of risks and risk assessment. Do you want to be the specialist in the field of quality within your organization or team and really help your team(s) a step further by delivering better software? Then this course is for you.

Day One

On the first day, you and your new colleagues form a team that, as a consultancy unit, will help a fictitious customer with the launch of a new product. To immediately look good, there is a boost in your visual presentation skills. After you hear the customer's story, the team is asked to develop an approach to the problems. The logical consequence of this is the first part of our comprehensive approach to risk, or better yet, potential harm, and how to manage it.​ ​


At the end of the first day you are able to:

  • tell your colleagues in a compact way what you bring, what the best conditions are for you to work in, and what absolutely does not work for you

  • Have you realized together with fellow students the first foundation of a team by recording team values ​​and working agreements.

  • Do you know a number of methods that enable you to visualize different parts of your work (a static situation, progress, or a process) in clear ways.

  • Can you use visualization for at least your testing strategy, system status, improvement cycle and experimentation

  • Do you know how to perform a potential damage analysis (PDA) (with new tooling) and monitor it

  • Have you become aware of a number of often unknown pitfalls.

Day Two

On the second day you will be initiated into the world of negotiation. You understand the pitfalls of negotiation, and you practice negotiating a way of negotiating that will enable you to better take care of your unique concerns and wishes that you simply have as a test analyst within a team. We will also look in more detail at potential damage. Where on day 1 we looked at risks that we are familiar with, on day 2 we enter new territory: what do you do with hazards that you are not aware of? You will then be introduced to the product to be launched by your virtual customer, and you will be taught how to conduct a bug hunt, after which you also organize and execute it immediately. Finally, you will learn that exploratory testing has a number of dimensions, which you can use to give your testing activities more depth and structure when you are exploring. You will also get started with that right away. ​


At the end of day two:

  • You know what positional negotiation is.

  • You know what principled negotiation is and you are able to conduct such a  negotiation.

  • Do you know what to look out for and what the mindset is for those parts of the software that are not yet available at all.

  • Do you know what a bug hunt is and when you can use it.

  • Can you explain the value of a bug hunt to your team or within your organization.

  • Do you know how a bug hunt works and can you organize bug hunts.

  • Are you familiar with some dimensions of exploratory testing

  • Do you know how to use those dimensions in your performance

Day Three

On the last day we will go deeper into the skill 'negotiation'. Here you will learn new ways of negotiating in order to effectively achieve a win-win situation for everyone, with the timely delivery of quality software in mind. You will also be initiated into the world of biases through illuminating examples. You will learn the different types of biases, how to recognize biases and how to arm yourself against them. Finally, we discuss the fundamentals of leadership, with an emphasis on how you can help to create an effective and enthusiastic team.


At the end of day three:

  • Do you have knowledge of the most modern negotiation techniques

  • Can you apply situational negotiation methods

  • Have you practiced with different approaches in negotiation

  • Do you know what a bias is

  • Can you distinguish the different types of biases

  • Are you able to recognize biases in both others and yourself

  • Do you know the influence of psychological safety and accountability on a team and you know the frameworks of a highly motivated team

  • Can you explain how leadership contributes to a stronger team

  • Do you know the building blocks with which you can make a substantial contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency of your team


Although there are no mandatory requirements, you must master all concepts from the AU-CPAT training to be able to follow this training. Extensive experience with working in an agile environment is also strongly recommended.

Agile United - Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing  (AU-CAPT) 

Agile United - Certified Automation Practitioner in Agile Testing (AU - CAPT) is a three-day intensive, hands-on, and interactive training to help you develop skills and knowledge to survive as an automation engineer in an agile context and grow your career in the testing field. It will sharpen or change your paradigm of testing and quality in an agile context. 

The goal of this certification course is to provide the best approach for the effective implementation of test automation in an agile context. We look at what is needed for test automation and how it can best be set up and maintained. Throughout the course, you will discover what types of test automation exist and how they could be implemented.

Chapter 1: Expectations and Value of Test Automation

  • Understanding the basics of test automation

  • Value of automation

  • Creating value

  • The Six Thinking Hats of de Bono

  • Toulmin’s reasoning diagram


Chapter 2: Test Types

  • Agile Testing Quadrants

  • The Test Pyramid


Chapter 3: Test Automation Frameworks

  • Linear framework

  • Modular framework

  • Data-driven framework

  • Keyword-driven framework

  • Model-based testing framework

  • Code-driven testing framework

  • Hybrid framework


Chapter 4: Test Development Approach

  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD) testing framework

  • Test Driven Development (TDD) framework


Chapter 5: Complementary Tools and Components

  • Assertions and assertion libraries

  • Stubs and drivers

  • User interface testing

  • Performance testing

  • Security testing


Chapter 6 Test Automation Approach and Strategy

  • Get team involvement

  • Thinking about ownership and responsibility

  • Thinking about the development processes

  • Define a strategy


Chapter 7: Tool Selection

  • Factors on choosing a tool

  • Selecting the right test tool(s)

  • Run a spike


Chapter 8: Decide on What to Automate

Chapter 9: Best Practices

  • Follow test design patterns

  • Don't repeat yourself (DRY)

  • Use Domain-specific language (DSL)

  • Maintain standards

Chapter 10: How to Embed Test Automation

  • Embed test automation within Scrum

  • Make a maintenance plan

  • Use Continuous Integration

  • Measure code coverage

  • Share successes


To be successful throughout this course and in your exam, it is highly recommended that you already hold the AU-CPAT certificate or have at least two years of experience working in an agile environment.


For this course, having first experience in test automation is also essential. Just as a reminder from the AU-CPAT requirements, it is highly recommended that you also hold the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) as this course will not cover the fundamentals and terminology of Testing. Other recommendations are another Agile or Scrum certificate like PSM, CSM, or ASF, or at least reading the Scrum guide. If you do not hold any of the certifications mentioned above, you may still join the course; however, to get the most out of the experience, you should have at least read through the syllabi mentioned above and noted the relevant terms.

Agile United - Capturing Agile Requirements by Example  (AU-CARE) 

Agile United—Capturing Agile Requirements by Example (AU - CARE) is a two-day intensive, hands-on, and interactive training course for those working in requirements engineering, business analysis, and QA. AU-CARE will expand your professional knowledge and help you become more successful in your job in an Agile environment.

AU-CARE will expand the professional knowledge of those working in requirements engineering, business analysis, and testing and help them become more successful in an Agile environment.

This intensive, hands-on, and interactive training will help you develop skills and knowledge associated with requirements engineering in an agile context. In this course, we will dive into Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and discuss who is involved in the process and why it is valid, especially in an Agile team. We will then explore impact mapping and event storming, then look into the basics of "Specification by Example". In each of these topics, we will discuss the theory and the who, what, and why behind each concept.  

We will then explore the concept of example mapping and build upon this, together discovering "Specification with Examples". Once these concepts are clear for everyone, we'll move ahead with ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development) using BDD, which will bring together all of the knowledge gained throughout this course.​

Finally, we'll examine what to do with this knowledge and how to implement these various concepts into your everyday work. We'll briefly explore the psychology behind teamwork and how you can support your team to create the right mindset to create incredible software.


Although there aren't any mandatory prerequisites, holding an ISTQB certificate or an Agile or Scrum certificate like PSM, CSM, or ASF, or at least reading through the Scrum guide and Agile Manifesto, is beneficial.

Check out the syllabus for more ideas and literature recommendations. 

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